Grand Solar Minimum (GSM)

I am no expert on GSM and won’t pretend to be. There are many very good sources to learn about the GSM in depth so all I intend to do here is cover the basics and provide a few links at the bottom where you can learn from more knowledgeable folks. I cover it here because I refer to it in many of my posts.

solar cyclesThe sun has an 11 year cycle where sunspots wax and wane. More sunspots tend to result in more solar activity and warmer and more stable weather on Earth provided our magnetosphere is strong. When the sunspots are few, several things happen which include the earth cooling, more cosmic rays making though our magnetosphere, and more unstable weather patters.

In a GSM, the effects of the solar minimum, a normal occurrence, are amplified. That means even more unstable weather and the potential for crop losses. Despite not much public mention, the world has been having crop reductions. These can come from late frosts and freezes, early frosts and freezes, flooding and drought.

As a homesteader, my concern is how to plan for food disruptions. That means food shortages at grocery stores and difficulty in getting feed for my livestock. Many of my posts deal with planning to not only survive but thrive in an uncertain, less reliable food future.
